Islamic Education, Perspective, West.Abstract
Axiology functions as a wise effort to understand the nature of values, which are analyzed through a philosophical perspective. Educational axiology is the study of values that form the basis of the goals, processes, and outcomes of education. In the Islamic perspective, education is based on spiritual, ethical, and moral values rooted in the teachings of the Qur'an and Hadith, aiming to form pious, noble human beings, and able to carry out their role as caliphs on earth. In contrast, the Western perspective is more oriented towards pragmatic and secular values, emphasizing logic, rationality, and individual achievement in economic, technological, and social aspects. This study uses a qualitative approach based on literature review, data analysis using content analysis techniques to analyze core values and differences in educational goals between Islamic and Western perspectives. The results of the study show that Islamic education integrates worldly and hereafter dimensions, while Western education focuses more on profane life. This article contributes to the development of a holistic Islamic education paradigm that is relevant to the challenges of the times.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Ahmad Dzulkifli, Nur Fiki I’anatul Maula (Author)
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