Publication Ethics

1. Upholding Scientific Conduct

  • Authors must ensure that their research is conducted with honesty, transparency, and accountability. They should understand both the benefits and risks associated with their published work, ensuring that all findings are presented truthfully and responsibly.

2. Prevention of Misconduct

  • Fabrication and Falsification: Authors must not engage in the fabrication or falsification of data, findings, or any other research outputs. All reported data must accurately reflect the research process and results.
  • Plagiarism and Autoplagiarism: Authors are strictly prohibited from plagiarizing the work of others or reusing their own previous work without proper citation. All sources, ideas, and data that are not part of the author’s own research must be appropriately cited and referenced.

3. Proper Citation and Acknowledgment

  • Authors must provide adequate and accurate citations for all sources, ideas, data, and other materials not derived from their own research. Proper attribution is necessary to maintain the integrity of the scholarly process and give credit to original contributions.

4. Relevance and Scope

  • Articles must be relevant to the field of social and political sciences. The topics covered should contribute meaningfully to the understanding and analysis of complex global issues, adhering to the journal’s focus on advancing knowledge in these domains.

5. Avoidance of Conflict and Harm

  • Published articles should not create conflicts of interest or have the potential to disturb or harm individuals, organizations, or the public. Authors are encouraged to consider the social and political implications of their work and ensure their research fosters constructive dialogue and knowledge dissemination.

6. Competence and Contribution of Authors

  • All listed authors must be truly competent and have made significant contributions to the development and writing of the article. Only those who have been involved in the research and writing process should be credited as authors.

7. No Double Submission or Duplicate Publication

  • Authors must ensure that their manuscript is not simultaneously submitted to multiple journals or other publication outlets. Submitting the same work to more than one journal at the same time (double submission) is unethical and will result in immediate rejection.
  • Articles that have been published in another journal or other publication facility, in whole or in part, should not be submitted to this journal.

8. Originality of Published Work

  • All articles must represent original research results, ideas, or perspectives of the author(s). Submitted manuscripts should not have been previously published in any form, either in part or as a whole, in another publication. Authors must submit a Plagiarism-Free Statement confirming the originality of the content.