Student learning, outcomes using, the Peer Tutoring learning model.Abstract
The importance of applying mathematics in life demands that there is an increasing need to improve mathematics learning, one of which is a learning model that can improve understanding of mathematics. The peer tutoring learning model is a learning strategy that uses students who have a high cognitive level from the group of students themselves to serve as tutors or teachers for their peers, where students appointed as tutors are tasked with helping their friends who do not yet understand the material and exercises provided. by the teacher according to the rules that have been mutually agreed upon in the group so that learning will be developed that is cooperative, not competitive. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (PTK) which consists of 2 cycles, each of which includes 4 stages, namely the planning, implementation, observation and reflection stages. Each cycle consists of 2 meetings and the second meeting is used to provide end-of-cycle evaluation questions. The approach in this research is a qualitative approach. The research instrument used was an observation sheet to obtain a direct picture of the learning outcomes of Class IX students during the implementation of the Peer Tutoring learning model. To determine student learning outcomes, test instruments are used at the end of each cycle. This research is said to be successful if the number of students who score ≥75 achieves 75% completeness. From the results of the first cycle of research, students who got a score of ≥75 achieved 75% according to the results of the first cycle of reflection, so learning continued in cycle II. Based on the results of the research that had been carried out, there was an increase in learning outcomes compared to cycle I. Because the researchers had achieved the specified indicators, this research was not continued and was stopped in cycle II.
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