social conflict, mining sector, sharp objects, criminal law.Abstract
This article aims to analyze the criminal law implications of using sharp objects in social conflicts within the mining sector and offers recommendations to reduce violence escalation. The background of this study focuses on the high intensity of conflicts involving violence in mining areas, often triggered by social inequality, resource disputes, and the lack of effective mediation. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive-analytical approach. Data were obtained through a literature review of regulations, such as the Criminal Code (KUHP) and Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951, as well as an analysis of social conflict cases in the mining sector. The study results show that the use of sharp objects in social conflicts within the mining sector is a serious violation with severe legal consequences. However, law enforcement often faces obstacles, including limited access to justice for the community and a lack of trust in law enforcement officials. Further discussion reveals that structural factors, such as economic and social inequality, exacerbate conflict potential, requiring a holistic approach to resolution. In conclusion, to minimize the use of sharp objects in conflicts within the mining sector, firm law enforcement, constructive dialogue among stakeholders, and community empowerment around mining areas are needed. These measures are expected to create social stability that supports sustainable development in mining regions.
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